Germantown United CDC plans to double its staff capacity, increasing the organization’s work in commercial corridor revitalization and community building in the Germantown neighborhood. The nonprofit secured two competitive grants that will enable the organization to add two additional full-time jobs in the fall of 2018. View the job descriptions for Corridor Manager and Neighborhood Advisory Committee Manager at
New pop-up cleanup campaign hits the streets
Friends of Germantown Northwest and Germantown United CDC are partnering on a new project called “Clean It Up Make It Safe” Germantown Pop-up Cleanup, a public health and safety campaign aimed at litter abatement within Lower Germantown. The grassroots project utilizes pop-up cleanups – volunteer efforts that appear suddenly or unexpectedly – along the commercial district to improve the beauty, cleanliness, and safety of the targeted area, build community, and inspire people to action. These cleanups are managed by Friends of Germantown Northwest’s Keith…
CliffsNotes: An Overview of GU’s Five-Year Plan
Germantown United CDC released the organization’s five-year strategic plan in September 2018. This new plan will help prioritize and advance our work in Germantown now through the year 2023. We encourage all our partners, neighborhood advocates, and community stakeholders to give the full plan a looksee. We also know 36 pages is a lot to take in 🙂 So if you’re looking for a quick overview of what’s changed, read on! Biggest Update: Expanding Our Mission GU has expanded its focus on…
Germantown United CDC Announces Organizational Strategic Plan
Germantown United CDC released the organization’s five-year strategic plan in September 2018. This new plan will serve as a roadmap and tool for assessing progress, and will help prioritize and advance the organization’s work in Northwest Philadelphia’s Germantown neighborhood now through the year 2023. The year-long planning process helped Germantown United CDC’s leadership to step back and examine where we are, where we want to go, and how to get there. We have sharpened the organization’s mission, assessed program activities,…