We hope this message finds you healthy and safe during this crisis. 

The city has been grappling with community spread of COVID-19 in Philadelphia for over two months now. We need to be vigilant and keep taking precautions to prevent spread of the infection to our families, friends, and neighbors here in Germantown.

Germantown United CDC is compiling resources available to help our community sustain the COVID-19 pandemic. As a service to residents and the local business community, we have published a new page on our website where you can access this vital information.

click to access COVID-19 Germantown Resources

How to reach us

GUCDC staff members began working remotely in mid-March and will continue to do so until it’s safe to reopen our office. Staff are available to answer questions and help Germantown residents and business owners navigate and access resources that have been made available in response to the pandemic. To speak to a member of our staff, call the office at 215-856-4303 and leave a detailed message. Staff can access voicemail remotely and will return your call promptly. We will make ourselves available to you by phone and through virtual video/chat meetings.

Staff contact list

Emaleigh Doley
Executive Director
Ext. 101 | edoley@germantownunitedcdc.org

Josanne Ford
Ext. 102 | jford@germantownunitedcdc.org

Rhakeim Miller
Neighborhood Advisory Committee Manager
Ext. 103 | rmiller@germantownunitedcdc.org