Our offices will be closed from 12/24 - 1/1 for winter break.


Organizational Strategic Plan


A strategic planning process identifies strategies that best enable a nonprofit to advance its mission. Developing a plan helps an organization step back and examine where it is, where it wants to go, and how to get there.

Over the course of a year, the board and staff of Germantown United CDC invested countless hours and careful thought in sharpening the organization’s mission, assessing program activities, and looking for opportunities to enhance its community and economic development work.

This organizational strategic plan, completed and adopted in 2018, serves as a roadmap and tool for assessing progress and will help inform and advance Germantown United CDC’s work in Northwest Philadelphia’s Germantown neighborhood through 2023.

Read the plan

Download a PDF file of the organizational strategic plan.

This comprehensive planning process was made possible by the generous support of The Philadelphia Foundation.

The board and staff of Germantown United CDC would like to acknowledge the time, energy, and information invested in this planning process by our many partners, stakeholders, and constituents who support the organization’s mission and vision for a strong and united Germantown.

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