Our offices will be closed from 12/24 - 1/1 for winter break.

Business Services

We provide direct assistance, advice, and support services to businesses and commercial property owners in the Central Germantown corridor.

Corridor Management

Germantown United is the organization charged with implementing the City’s Targeted Corridor Management Program (TCMP) in Central Germantown. This work is done in collaboration with the Philadelphia Department of Commerce.

Commerce provides funding for qualified community organizations to hire additional staff under the TCMP program. Staff members work to improve their commercial corridor by:

  • Helping neighborhood businesses take advantage of programs and resources
  • Attracting new businesses to vacant properties and storefronts
  • Working with partners to make the area safe, clean, and attractive for shoppers

How We Can Support Your Business

Improve Your Storefront or Property
  • We help business and property owners upgrade their storefronts through the Storefront Improvement Program
  • Projects are big and small, ranging from a new sign and awning for your business to a complete facade overhaul
Financial Assistance
  • Access capital and find loans through the Philadelphia Business Lending Network
  • Offer grant and loan referrals with forgivable (free!) and low-interest options, including COVID-19 relief packages and resources to help businesses impacted by civil unrest
  • Application assistance for: pandemic relief, expansion, property acquisition, equipment or inventory purchase
Technical Assistance
  • Support with navigating city services, licenses, permits
  • Make referrals for free and low cost business development workshops and classes on topics like: Write Your Business Plan, Commercial Leasing, Bookkeeping, How to Grow Your Business Online, Capital & Credit, Marketing 101
  • Provide Letters of Recommendation to strengthen your applications for grants, loans, and other programs
Business Directory

View the Germantown Business Directory.

Add or update your business info.


Subscribe to the Business & Commercial Real Estate Newsletter: bit.ly/GtownNews. This newsletter features: small business resources, merchant announcements, property listings, and other info that can benefit business and commercial property owners in Germantown.

Filmed by Steven Michael Studios LLC
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