
Speak Up, Speak Out for Germantown at District Plan Meeting January 8th

Planning for the City of Philadelphia’s Upper Northwest District Plan, which includes Germantown, kicks off Monday, January 8. The plan will address topics like: Housing; Jobs and businesses; Zoning (regulates what can be built where); Transportation; Rec centers, parks, other city-owned properties; Protecting historic buildings and sites; And more! How do you want to see Germantown grow and prosper? Be there to attend and share your vision.

Germantown United Community Development Corporation Wins Preservation Grant

To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s work to revitalize America’s Main Streets, the National Trust joined with American Express, National Geographic, and Main Street America for Partners in Preservation: Main Streets, a community-based campaign to raise awareness about the importance of preserving America’s Main Street districts.

The Open Doors in Germantown project, led by the Germantown United Community Development Corporation, finished in first place out of 25 main street districts in a nationwide popular voting competition from September 25 through October 31, and earned a $150,000 grant for historic preservation. Germantown also won an additional $10,000 grant for increasing its vote total by the highest percentage during a one-week voting challenge.

Partners in Preservation: Main Streets Open House Weekend, Saturday, Oct. 7

Germantown is one of 25 historic Main Street districts across the country participating in the Partners in Preservation: Main Streets Open House Weekend. To celebrate, Germantown United CDC will host an Open House on Saturday, October 7 from 1 p.m. – 6 p.m. at the organization’s first storefront office, located at 5320 Germantown Avenue, at the corner of W Penn Street. We invite you to come by and see our new headquarters.

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