February 8
11:30 AM
1:00 PM
Hosted by Rikki D.
Description (from host)
Twerk and Flow is a twerk yoga class that relies on intuitive movement led by Rikki D. In this new 4 part series offered at Black Bird Rising we’re offering 4 different opportunities to twerk 4 different ways. You’ll learn to know breath, meditation and yoga postures as tools to find your twerk. The rhythmic movement of the PELVIS known as twerking helps release trapped and stagnant energy in our bodies. You will be encouraged to get curious about your body and deploy its wisdom to land in a spot that feels nourishing. Each week builds upon the next but they can also be experienced individually.
Classes are $30 each. This series is for all shapes, sizes, and flexibility levels . All booties matter.
Sat Feb 1: Get down on the ground
Sat Feb 8: Hands on your knees
Sat Feb 15: Face down
Sat Feb 22: Put it on da floor
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