
GU News

Request for Proposals: Evaluation Consultant

Germantown United CDC is currently hiring. Evaluation ServicesDownload the complete RFPDate posted: January 14, 2020 Project Goals and Scope of Services: With the recent move of our inaugural Executive Director into a part-time role, GUCDC is seeking support with the organization’s executive transition plan, in order to position GUCDC to best implement our mission, serve the Germantown community, and improve operations to maximize efficiency.  We seek consultancy support to conduct an intensive assessment of GUCDC’s organizational structure, financial position and…

Germantown United CDC to assist Maplewood Mall businesses during construction

During the Maplewood Mall Reconstruction project access to the businesses on the street, and the general unsightliness of a construction site, may be a hindrance to businesses’ ability to attract customers and foot traffic. Germantown United CDC is contracted to advertise the Mall as “open for business” during construction and will be providing marketing and advertising support specifically to businesses on the Mall. The marketing campaign will feature professionally designed and customized materials, including: Print brochures/postcards/flyers Sign fabrication and installation…

Groundbreaking Kicks Off Maplewood Mall Reconstruction

Update 10/31/19: The Maplewood Mall Reconstruction project groundbreaking ceremony scheduled for Oct. 31st has been canceled due to the weather.  The City of Philadelphia is rebuilding the roadway, sidewalks, and plazas of Maplewood Mall. A ceremonial groundbreaking for Maplewood Mall Reconstruction project will be held on Thursday, October 31, 2:30pm. This is a public event, and elected and City officials will be in attendance. Germantown United CDC has setup a Maplewood Mall Reconstruction project page for the community where you can find…

Germantown United CDC Director Taking Leave of Absence

To the Germantown Community: On behalf of the Germantown United CDC’s board and staff I would like to share an update with regards to our Executive Director, Andrew Trackman. Earlier this fall Andy took a leave from Germantown United CDC to deal with a medical issue. We are pleased to share that Andy has been released from the hospital and is getting stronger day-by-day, but his recovery will continue to take time, rest and rehabilitation. During his leave, Emaleigh Doley,…

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