Germantown United CDC is seeking two outgoing, organized, and community-minded individuals to join our team. A summary of the Business Development Manager and Resident Services Manager positions follows below. For a complete list of job duties and responsibilities, visit

Business Development Manager

GU works to clean, beautify and improve the Central Germantown Commercial Corridor in Germantown, Philadelphia. This area includes parts of Germantown, Chelten, and Wayne Avenues, Maplewood Mall, and parts of Greene Street. The Business Development Manager will implement the organization’s commercial corridor and economic development activities by supporting the small business community, engaging directly with merchants and commercial property owners in Germantown, and facilitating local access to supportive business programs. Responsibilities include:

  • Coordinate and communicate revitalization efforts with businesses along the commercial corridors, including door-to-door merchant outreach and site-visits.
  • Facilitate business participation in façade improvement programs to improve window displays, lighting and signage in areas with commercial activity.
  • Assist businesses with application completion for grant and loan opportunities.
  • Track, maintain, and promote a list of available commercial and industrial spaces along Germantown’s primary commercial corridors (Germantown Ave, Chelten Ave, Wayne Ave, Maplewood Mall, parts of Greene St, Berkley St).
  • Take lead on public safety initiatives on commercial corridors, and expand Business Security Camera Program (Safe Cam).
  • Facilitate opportunities for the merchant community to learn about resources, development activity, and connect with one another (i.e. workshops, business association meetings).
  • Organize and implement corridor related events that support the business community, entrepreneurs, and local artists.
  • And, more!

Resident Services Manager (NAC Program Coordinator)

GU serves as a resource to Germantown residents on available community-based services and helps residents to identify, access, and coordinate services. The Resident Services Manager (NAC Program Coordinator) will provide residents with basic information and referral services, answer questions, support application completion, and develop programs and resources that support wellness for the entire resident population. Core functions of the position include: supporting programs that aim to preserve affordable housing in Germantown; preventing tax and mortgage foreclosure; promotion of home repair, property tax, and utility assistance resources, financial/housing counseling resources, workforce development and economic opportunities, and resident participation in and awareness of City planning initiatives and other neighborhood improvement activities. Responsibilities include:

  • Act as a referral agent who connects residents to resources from city government and other service providers who can meet their needs.
  • Provide case management services as needed and requested.
  • Promote City housing programs and assist with the completion of property tax, rental rebate, and energy assistance applications, including LIHEAP.Conduct mortgage and real estate foreclosure diversion outreach.
  • Maintain relationships with block captains, civic associations, Registered Community Organizations (RCOs), faith-based groups, and others working on neighborhood improvement activities; Provide capacity-building assistance to community groups.
  • Organize, promote, and facilitate community meetings, workshops, special events and projects; Conduct well-organized, representative meetings/events.
  • And, more!