Our offices will be closed from 12/24 - 1/1 for winter break.

92.9 FM Germantown Community Radio

A low power FM station, part of Germantown Community Radio, broadcasting from downtown Germantown at 92.9 FM.  

WRGU-LP can be heard on 92.9 FM in the Germantown neighborhood of Northwest Philadelphia, home of the Germantown Community Radio project. We are one of three radio partners airing on 92.9 FM every Wednesday through Sunday – WRGU-LP Germantown United CDC, WGGT-LP G-town Radio, and WRLG-LP Germantown Life Enrichment Center (GLEC).

WRGU-LP is a licensee of Germantown United CDC. We are a non-profit community development corporation serving Germantown. WRGU-LP has been on air since January 2018, and is part of a time-share of the 92.9 FM radio frequency.

The studio is located at 24 Maplewood Mall in Germantown, and managed by G-town Radio.

Germantown Community Radio Partners

WRGU-LPGermantown United CDC
WGGT-LPG-town Radio
WRLG-LPGermantown Life Enrichment Center (GLEC)

How to Listen

Tune in to 92.9 on your FM dial. The signal covers all of Northwest Philadelphia’s Germantown neighborhood. The broadcast signal also reaches a significant potion of the Philadelphia region.

Originally a community internet radio station, G-town Radio can still be heard 24 hours a day over the internet at gtownradio.com.

Program Schedule

View the program schedule for WRGU-LP >>

In addition to locally produced content, WRGU-LP also airs independently produced syndicated programming. The programming selected expresses viewpoints not typically available through mainstream media outlets.


Interested in contributing programming materials for WRGU-LP? Send an email to radio@germantownunitedcdc.org >> We are looking for residents and business owners in the broadcast area interested in creating an original program. Your show should have some relationship to GU’s organizational mission:

To promote and facilitate the revitalization of Germantown and its business corridors through a sustainable, creative, and community-driven approach to economic development.

The Mission of Germantown United CDC

This can take many forms. Show ideas include:

  • Talk radio show about living in Germantown
  • Local business spotlight series
  • News hour about Germantown community organizations
  • Man on the street interview series
  • Urban agriculture and community gardens series

We are also seeking volunteer staff to help community members requiring technical assistance to produce content to be aired.

Germantown United’s Approach to Community Radio

As a project of Germantown United CDC, WRGU will disseminate information and actualize civic mobilization in support of the organization’s mission – to promote and facilitate the revitalization of Germantown and its business corridors through a sustainable, creative, and community driven approach to economic development.

When possible, WGRU will apply the practice of solutions journalism, a coverage of responses to social problems rather than just the problems themselves. This methodology finds an issue that has been solved multiple times and addresses methods that produce the best results, highlighting the success and failures of a city, community, or person’s solution so others can learn from their accomplishments and mistakes.

Recognizing Germantown Avenue’s status as both a National Historic District it will be our mandate to empower the Germantown and surrounding community by:

  • Encouraging people to generate innovative programs reflecting their own issues, music and culture.
  • Promoting understanding and full respect of all people, regardless of ability, age, class, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, and sexual orientation.
  • Encouraging news and public affairs programming that not only informs the community of issues but also inspires people to act.
  • Providing a channel for music and cultural programming from communities, countries, and genres often missing from mainstream media and the Philadelphia airwaves.

A program proposal process will allow Germantown United CDC to phase in locally produced high quality programming as it becomes available. WRGU is also in discussion with area universities about having students majoring in related degree programs to provide technical production assistance to prospective content providers to help assure that their voices can be heard. Station ID’s and promo spots will incorporate some flavor of Germantown from day one.

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